Paediatric Hub News
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Three factors linked to significant differences in children and parents with type 1 diabetes
November 2024
A recent questionnaire based prospective study found significant negative differences in both children and parents with a higher level of depression, anxiety, stress and decreased physical activity levels and lower nutritional intake.
Research finds limited compliance with the school food standards in secondary schools
November 2024
Research into secondary schools in England and their compliance with the school food standards showed limited compliance in both schools mandated to comply and those not mandated to comply.
Caregiver response is key to emotional overeating in children
July 2024
A recent study has revealed a strong link between caregiver responses to children's negative emotions and the development of emotional overeating.
Characterising glycosaminoglycans in human breast milk: a new review
July 2024
A new review published in Microbial Cell looked at the literature on glycosaminoglycans in human breast milk and their potential role in infant health.
New review on MDT experiences and perceptions of blended diet
This is the first study exploring MDT perceptions of blended diet in Europe and provides useful information for the needs of healthcare professionals to enable the provision of blended diet to move forward.
The latest on nutrition management in children with severe neurological impairment
The nutritional management of children with severe neurological impairment can be highly complex. This latest review looks at the progression of the nutritional management of this patient group.