NHD CPD eArticle Archive

Conditions & disorders
Vol 13.11 Nov 2023 Malnutrition: a cause and a consequence of CKD
Vol 13.06 June 2023 Type 1 diabetes: the use of technology
Vol 13.01 January 2023 Hypertension
Vol 12.12 (Dec 2022: Diverticulitis: can dietary changes reduce the risk of acute episodes?
Vol 12.09 (Sept 2022): Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a multisystem endocrine disorder
Vol 12.01 (Jan 2022): Pressure ulcers and nutrition
Vol 11.10 October 2021 Low fat or high fat: which is it for pancreatitis?
Vol 11.08 Aug 2021 Depression: the impact of nutritional management
Vol 11.03 March 2021 The low-protein diet in PKU: Its effects on gut health
Vol 11.02 February 2021 The barriers of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Vol 10.14 December 2020 Protein in Liver Disease
Vol 10.08 August 2020 Nutrition support measures in oesophageal cancer
Vol 10.07 July 2020 Alzheimer's disease: eating and drinking challenges
Vol 10.06 June 2020 Medical management of Type 2 diabetes
Vol 10.04 21st April 2020 Undernutrtion
Vol 10.01 January 2020 Eosinophilic oesophagitis
Vol 9.10 August 2019 Tyrosinaemia
Vol 9.09 July 2019 Ketogenic diets for epilepsy: past, present and future
Vol 9.05 May 2019 Food allergy examined: where are we now
Vol 9.01 January 2019 Diabetes and carbohydrates: an overview of current discussions
Vol 8.16 November 2018 Neurosciences and trauma: challenges of nutrition
Vol 8.11 July 2018 Unplanned pregnancy in women with Phenylketonuria (PKU): a dietetic emergency
Vol 8.06 April 2018 Bile Acid Malabsorbtion
Vol 8.05 March 2018 Obesity update: where are we now?
Vol 8.01 January 2018 New Galactosaemia guidelines: What do they mean for dietitians
Vol 7.13 August 2017 Malabsorption: An overview
Vol 7.11 June 2017 The use of glycomacropeptide as an alternative protein source for PKU
Vol 7.02 February 2017 Nutritional treatment in chronic kidney disease
Vol 7.01 January 2017 Chronic obstructrive pulmonary disease and the obsese patient
Vol 6.20 December 8th 2016 Counselling theories and obesity management
Vol 6.18: November 10th 2016 Iodine deficiency: the risk of restrictive diets
Vol 6.11: June 16th 2016 Malabsorption: an overview
Vol 6.10: June 3rd 2016 The healthy PKUer: we all have a role to play
Vol 5.13: September 10th 2015 Maternal PKU
Vol 5.06: April 23rd 2015 Sarcopenia and diet in older people
Vol 5.04: March 12th 2015 Dysphagia and nutritional interventions in stroke care
Vol 4.19: October 9th 2014 Living with PKU: the teenage years
Vol 4.18: September 30th 2014 Diet and Alzheimer's disease
Vol 4.09: May 6th 2014 Managing antibiotic associated and clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea with probiotics
Vol 4.08: April 22nd 2014 Chronic kidney disease: a problem for us all
Vol 4.04: March 6th 2014 The 'Measuring Up' Obesity Report: opportunities for dietitians to take the lead
Vol 3.13: July 18th 2013 Managing obesity using a behavioural approach
Vol 3.08: April 25th 2013 Maternal obesity: managing the risks of eating for two or more
Vol 3.07: April 11th 2013 PKU dietetic management in children
Vol: 3.03: February 14th 2013 Nutritional management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Vol 2.10: December 13th 2012 Meal replacement programme for Type 2 diabetes: the Sheffield experience
Vol 2.6: October 11th 2012 The safety of MCT based formula in the dietary treatment of long chain fatty acid disorders
Vol 1.7: May 10th 2012 Nutritional and supportive care in head and neck oncology patients
Vol 1.5: April 12th 2012 Spinal cord injury: a practical guide to nutritional management
Vol 1.3: March 15th 2012 The weighty issue of liver disease