Industry Watch

Sustainable Baskets

15th July 2024

This report has been produced by Fareeha Anwar, RD, Ursula Arens, Freelance Nutrition Writer and BDA member and Amaeze Madukah, Registered Nutritionist along with the National Sustainability team at Aldi.

The British Dietetic Association (BDA) produced a model shopping basket for Aldi in 2020 to demonstrate environmentally sustainable and healthy food choices. The 2024 updated model shopping basket also considers the various versions of the Eatwell Guide which supports the diversity of dietary patterns of ethnic groups living in the UK.

View the full report here:

Innovative solution or cause for concern? The use of continuous glucose monitors in people not living with diabetes: A narrative review

15th July 2024

This study summarised present knowledge on the use of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) in individuals who do not have diabetes, as promoted in the ‘health and wellness’ sector. It critically examined the detection of glucose abnormalities, behaviour change and improvement in metabolic health.

The study found a lack of high quality and consistent evidence for the use of CGM's in people who do not have diabetes.

Read the full study here: