NHD - British Lion eggs Competition

Write an article for the chance to win £500* in UK shopping vouchers!
Network Health Digest (NHD) and British Lion eggs surveyed readers earlier this year about eggs and found that there’s still much about this nutrient-packed food that healthcare professionals are unclear about.
We would like your original research reviews on the role of eggs in the diet to help educate your peers. We are looking for fully referenced articles discussing two key themes:
• Understanding the fat content and calories in eggs, as well as additional nutritional benefits they offer
• Egg safety, especially in relation to babies and older people, and allergy
The best article will be published in NHD later this year and the winning author will win shopping vouchers worth £500*.
Deadline for submission: Monday 1st July 2019
All entrants will be judged by NHD Editor and Registered Dietitian Emma Coates, along with dietitian and health writer, Dr Carrie Ruxton. The best article will be published in NHD later this year and the winning authors will win shopping vouchers worth £500*.
*for more information on eggs please visit here...