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If you’re looking for tips on how to talk to your cat, hacks for drying your washing quicker, or the top five holiday destinations for bog snorkelling in 2020, you might want to look elsewhere! This here is the NHD Blog: the latest feature from Network Health Digest.
As we step in to 2020, one of our New Year’s resolutions is to discuss and share even more nutrition and dietetic matters each month. We aim to do just that through this new platform.
Throughout the year, we’ll be opening up the NHD Blog space to you guys! Each blog spot will be written by a different contributor and will focus on current and topical matters relating to nutrition and dietetics. So, whether it’s the latest nutritional guidance, a nutrition-related story hitting the headlines, or someone simply with a nutritional itch to scratch, this is the space to find it.
We know that many of you will be very familiar with blogging, either as a blogger yourselves, or as a regular blog follower. But, some of you will ask, “What exactly is a blog?”
Blogs are online publications that regularly share information or discuss a wide range of topics relating to a particular subject or theme. Our NHD Blogs will be shorter than our usual magazine articles but just as interesting and informative.
Our up and coming blog schedule features some of our regular contributors; however, if you’d like to express an interest in writing a piece for the NHD Blog, then do get in touch! We’re interested in hearing your ideas for posts. Email us at: [email protected].
As we all like to access information quickly and easily, at any time of the day (or night!) the NHD Blog is an ideal way to keep yourself up to date, whether you’re at home, work or on the move. There’s also an opportunity to join the conversation too, you can share your comments on the blog post on our website.
We’re really excited about introducing this new feature to our readers. Since the publication of our magazine 15 years ago, the team have always been keen to explore new ways of sharing information and content with you. Look out for our blog posts here, on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We aim to post them up every two weeks (twice a month).
To ensure you never miss an NHD Blog or an issue of Network Health Digest, sign up to our free subscription here. You will be sent alerts via email to remind you of publication dates.
So, start your year the NHD way and join us here on this new platform – snorkels and flippers are optional!
Emma Coates RD, NHD Editor
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